Information for Parents & Carers
School Admission Arrangements 2022/2023
The Vale Council is consulting on a proposed change to school admission arrangements for community schools for the academic year 2022/2023 in respect of a change to secondary school catchment areas and a minor amendment to the primary school oversubscription criteria.
The proposed changes will ensure a more even distribution of school places to meet future demand for pupils within a defined catchment area requiring a school place. The amendment will prioritise those living closest to a primary school where the number of applications from within catchment area exceeds the number of places available that will support attendance at a child's local school.
The Vale of Glamorgan Council arrange our school admissions. If you wish to enquire about your child joining us at Albert Primary then please click on the link below and follow the advice on the Council's website.
Please click on the link below for resources developed by the Resilience Project for parents/carers on topics around mental health and wellbeing. This includes advice and information on supporting children and young people, but also advice for their own mental health and wellbeing. The Resilience Project is a Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) project in partnership with Mental Health Foundation, Education and Social Services funded by the Welsh Government. The project aims to build greater capacity, expertise and mental health resilience for Children and Young People (CYP) in educational settings across Cardiff and the Vale.
Coronavirus information from Child Bereavement UK
Coronavirus is having an impact on everyone, including individuals and families facing bereavement, professionals who work with families, and our supporters. This page brings together guidance and information to help support you at this difficult time. You will also find updated information about Child Bereavement UK’s current services, training and events. Click the link below to access their site.
Click the link below to access the national site for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Here you will find information about Autism Spectrum Disorders (including Autism and Asperger Syndrome).You will also find downloadable resources for individuals with ASD, their family and carers.
Vale Parenting Service [Click on image above]
Families First Advice [Click on image above]
Health Advice & Guidance
Twitter @albertrdsoap
Cardiff & Vale Music Service [CAVMS]